Welcome to IBFB

The International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB) was formed in 2005 with license granted by the Director of Trade Organizations (DTO) and registration from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms (RJSC) under the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh. IBFB is a research and advocacy based non-profit and non-partisan nationwide business forum that works as a bridge between the private sector stakeholders and decision makers in the Government. It strives for identifying common business challenges, conducting advocacy through dialogues, participatory workshops, seminars, symposium etc. and pursuing specific and actionable recommendations to mitigate business and economic barriers and thus create a business friendly environment to ensure transparency, good governance and sustainable economic growth in the country.

Business advocacy has become a very important and necessary part of most of the nations’ law making process. The business community in Bangladesh has the potential and responsibility to become an important voice in the national dialogue on business and economic policies and on efforts to increase the efficiency and productivity of the business community. IBFB has been formed to fulfill this role.

The IBFB is governed by the Board of Directors (BOD) elected by the members in the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The operational activities of IBFB are managed by the Executive Committee (EC) comprising the President, Founding President / Immediate Past President, Vice President and Vice President (Finance), provided that all actions of the EC shall be submitted in the next meeting of the BOD for consideration and final approval. There are six Standing Committees in IBFB consisting Industry Leadership Committee, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Committee, Publicity & Public Relations Committee, Liaison Committee, Economic Development Committee and Finance Committee. The Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons, by virtue of their positions, represent in the meetings of the BOD.

The membership of IBFB consists of business leaders from all over the country and abroad including resource & knowledge based individuals such as academia, civil society members, retired bureaucrats, journalists etc. The categories of Membership in IBFB are as follows:

  • ¤ Life Member
  • ¤ Honorary Member
  • ¤ Corporate Member
  • ¤ General Member
  • ¤ Individual Member
  • ¤ Sponsor Member
  • ¤ Student Member

Latest News & Events

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    Govt decides to separate tax policy from collections; Dr Salehuddin tells IBFB conference
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    Press Conference on IBFB 2017-18 FY Budget Observations
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    Second Stakeholder Round Table on  Overseas Investment by the Bangladeshi Entrepreneurs

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