Message from the IBFB President

Dear visitors, Assalamualaikum and welcome to the website of International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB).

Please let me take the opportunity to provide some information on the International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB).

IIBFB is a research and advocacy based non-profit and non-partisan nationwide business forum of Bangladeshi and foreign business owners including resource and knowledge based individuals such as academia, civil society members, retired high govt. officials, journalists, lawyers etc. Working together, our goal is to identify common business and economic challenges, present solutions and advocate for changes in public policies which will help in establishing an enabling business environment and accelerating economic growth of Bangladesh

IBFB was formed in September 2005 with registration from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) and with the support and cooperation from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and technical assistance from the International Republican Institute (IRI). Later, IBFB teamed up with Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) of World Bank Group to work together for mobilizing the private sector to encourage and support anti-corruption reform and improving business environment in Bangladesh. IBFB is thankful to USAID, IRI, DAI and IFC for their invaluable supports and cooperation in the past. IBFB is also grateful to the High Commission of Canada for extending supports and cooperation to assist IBFB in developing and strengthening its institutional capacity.

Apart from conducting research and policy reforms advocacy on different business and economic issues including important affairs like transparency and good governance, democracy, strengthening local governance etc. inseparably related to economic development, IBFB regularly undertakes programs and activities to promote development of the private sector, attract foreign direct investments, enhance trade and commerce with different countries, and develop operational and institutional capacity of member companies and other business enterprises in Bangladesh. In order to explore business opportunities and enhance trade relationships with different countries, business delegations from IBFB visited various countries such as Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Korea, USA etc.

The first Chapter of IBFB has been established in Chittagong in 2012 and more chapter offices will gradually be established in other metropolitan cities and economically important zones around the country. IBFB also intends to establish an entrepreneurship development institute in near future.

Finally, I would like to invite all business entrepreneurs and enlightened individuals willing to work for business, economy and socio-economic development of Bangladesh, to join IBFB and effectively contribute to its strives for establishing a sustainable and truly enabling business environment in the country.

Let us all work together to transform Bangladesh into a prosperous and developed country.

With thanks and kind regards,

Mr Humayun Rashid
International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB)

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