Services to Members

IBFB is a research and advocacy oriented membership based organization that works for the benefits of the members, private sector and economy as a whole. The issues and topics upon which IBFB carries out comprehensive research to identify prevailing challenges and pursues advocacy with pragmatic and actionable recommendations for necessary policy reforms to mitigate such challenges are generally determined on the basis of members’ needs. helps the members overcome the barriers they are facing or living with and flourish their businesses in an improved business environment. IBFB organizes different trainings and workshops for the members and their executives to improve organizational capacities in successfully running or expanding their businesses. By acting as a matchmaker IBFB helps the members in networking with other national and foreign businesses and expanding their business operations in Bangladesh and abroad. A member can avail the opportunity to participate in different seminars and workshops, international trade exhibitions, overseas business tours and thus explore new business opportunities, widen business networks, enhance trade relationships with local and foreign counterparts and expand own businesses within the country and abroad. IBFB also provides the members with Membership Cards, Membership Certificates, Testimonials and Recommendations to the respective agencies of the Government and different foreign missions or organizations to extend necessary supports and cooperation to IBFB Members. In addition, IBFB gives a member a non-political platform to unite with others and harness “power” of the business groups to contribute to reform policies and create an improved business environment.

Latest News & Events

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    IBFB calls for energy audit to restore good governance in energy sector
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    প্রস্তাবিত জাতীয় বাজেট ২০২৪-২৫: প্রত্যাশা ও প্রাপ্তি
  • Remove unfair clauses for equal opportunity in public procurement
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    50,000 metric tonnes of onion coming from India: State Minister for Commerce Mr Ahsanul Islam Titu, ...

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